Hit Your Style Sweet Spot: Spring Shopping Wear for Fashion over 50

Welcome to a fun collaboration with Jennifer of A Well Styled Life and Pam of over50feeling40.  We desire for all of us� the fabulous women over 50 �to look and feel our best each and every day.  After years of blogging for this audience, we have heard from so many of you about your discouragement and despondency when you look in the mirror every morning.  But, we both know just how transformative style can be, and hope to encourage you right here each week.  We want to see all of us empowered with strength, joy, and confidence.

Spring is in full bloom, and some of you are thinking "retail therapy" is needed!  One of our readers asked what Jennifer and I wear for spring shopping.  Of course, there are reasons behind these decisions!

These three things are always true for me:

1. I dress well to shop.  I want to feel my best and have sales associates take me seriously and give good assistance wherever I  happen to spend my shopping dollar.

2. I rarely walk up and down a mall waiting to see what hits me.  I prepare online and go looking for specific items...then there are times while doing that...something will hit me.

3. I make sure I have the time to shop because to do it properly, I must try on every garment and spend quality time with it before a three way mirror. (Otherwise, I make mistakes)

Now, about what I wore:

1. I like to go early..when the stores open...and beat the crowds.  That means I will layer because sometimes it is cooler in the morning.  Here is my favorite black, boyfriend jacket by MICHAEL KORS.  It was purchased on sale a couple of years ago from MACYS.

2. This button down with the leopard detail is from CHICOS.  It also has leopard on the collar, and cuff.  I like to wear a button down for trying on clothes, so my hair is not getting tossed all over the place.

3.  The black pants are lightweight and actually more comfortable than jeans.  I bought them last year at ELIZABETH'S BOUTIQUE in San Antonio.

4. I usually do not wear bracelets shopping, but this one went so nicely with the outfit and it is an easy bracelet to snap on and off when in the dressing room.  It is from SOFT SURROUNDINGS. But, usually I do not wear much jewelry when shopping.  I do not want to lose it or deal with it.

5.  I like to have a nice sized bag for shopping to carry whatever I need and perhaps a small package or two. This beautiful red leather Ellen Tracy handbag and the DVF scarf were found at separate yard sales at different times of the year...but I love them together!

6. Finally, comfortable shoes are a must.  And there are some fun sneakers I have worn for shopping ...particularly in colder weather months.  These Gianni Bini flats from DILLARDS are perfect for when I shop...then I do not have to spend too long with my feet up when I get home...

I know it is wrong and sometimes costly for sales associates to judge how women look when shopping, but I also know from working in retail that it happens.  I want them to give me their best service and I believe they will when I look put together.

Now, let's go see how JENNIFER OF A WELL STYLED LIFE dressed for her shopping trip!  

How do you like to dress when shopping...do you have any personal rules you like to follow?

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.  Again, welcome to all of the new subscribers!  So glad you are here!

Have a great start to your week!



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