Confidence: What I Have Learned...Plus the Thursday Blog Hop!

You are looking at my profile picture when this blog first started in July 2010!  I was open about the fact I was hiding...even if the mask was pretty.  In 2005, I turned 50 with zero confidence and spent most of my time at the bottom of my own priority list.  But, an AH-HA moment (you can read above on the page marked MISSION) resulted in a makeover and sharing all I learned when a friend encouraged me to blog about the experience.

I was the headless horseman of fashion blogging for several months!  Every picture was without a head...or all of me.  Many garments were photographed hanging. Or with my face behind a book or newspaper!

It was other sweet bloggers who would coax me out in the open and convince me I needed to share all of me!

I was confident in my abilities but still not so much with my overall appearance.  I could not believe an audience would want to see...that!

I share this with you, so you will understand confidence is a journey!  It is worth perseverance, hopeful expectation, and going forward to discover your best you!  It means so much, because the consequences of out- of- box- confidence can lead to opportunities you never dreamed of...yes, over 50! Encouraging, inspiring, and educating women over 50 to reach confidence is why I am here...I hope it helps!

What would help you on your journey to be more confident?  Please share....then enjoy the fun reads of the Thursday Blog Hop or hop on yourself!

Happy Thursday Everyone!


Please follow your wonderful hostesses.

It's time to share your blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop!

Please follow your wonderful hostesses.

Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherine and her hostesses� permission to share your posts and pictures via social media, on pinterest and as features on their blogs.


Happy Hopping!

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