Ladies in Red...Fashion Over 50,,,and the Thursday Blog Hop!

The beautiful, chic, and always classic Nancy Reagan loved to wear the color red. I enjoyed watching and learning from the recent eulogies to this amazing woman with impeccable style, and did not realize until then the huge impact she played with red becoming a staple on the runways and in the White House.

I know it is one of my favorite colors to wear and I always feel vibrant when I do.

This poncho was one of my favorites for fall/winter. But, now....

I have a lightweight, CARLISLE JACKET from Soft Surroundings for warmer weather!  The trick to this garment is "go small."  I usually purchase an XL or L, but needed to go down to a Medium for a more flattering fit!  It was summer-like this week, so I faced the heat with confidence in brilliant red!  

I am wearing it with a blown glass necklace by local artist SUSAN BUTLER.  Susan designed this piece to be worn as a layered look one piece or as three separate pieces. Find Susan's designs HERE. Also, LIKE THEM ON FACEBOOK.

If you are in San Antonio, put this date on your calendar and come see Susan's work first hand!

I am so pleased to join Mrs. Reagan as a woman in to make my own statement!

How to you feel about you wear it?

Don't forget there is a special this week for Laguna Naturals Vitamin C Serum!

If you are a regular reader, you know how much I love LAGUNA NATURALS VITAMIN C SERUM.  I use it every day on my face and neck.  In honor of Spring, they are bringing back their most popular special offer for this entire week (until midnight next Sunday).  Just click on the image below or HERE and go to their Amazon page.  Put two bottles in your shopping cart, then use the code feelin40 at checkout and the cost of one bottle will be removed! It is a 2 for 1 special, but you must put both in the cart...then use the code.  I think you will love as much as I's affordable and works! The special is only around until midnight on Sunday!

Please either hop on or read on for the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop!


Please follow your wonderful hostesses.

It's time to share your blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop!

Please follow your wonderful hostesses.

Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherine and her hostesses� permission to share your posts and pictures via social media, on pinterest and as features on their blogs.

Happy Hopping! 

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