Mironova EGT + : A Consideration for Heart Health

This is one of the last pictures with my mother taken at my daughter's wedding about four years ago.  As I said in the video, both of my parents died from heart disease.  I watched how it affected their overall health for years...and I do not want to be the same!  My mother could barely function with swollen feet and legs. As she neared her time, her mind was less and less sound. 

Yesterday, I attended the Go Red Luncheon by the American Heart Association with several hundred local people.  It was sobering to listen to women who did suffer heart problems and also had it in their families like I did. They said 1 in 3 women will have heart disease or a stroke.

1 in 3...I looked around my table and thought, I could easily be the one.

It is quiet sobering to think every forty seconds in the U.S. someone suffers a heart attack or stroke with debilitating or deadly consequences.  I was very overweight for years...fortunately I did not smoke like my parents, but over eating can have just as deadly results.  My regrets are that I waited too long to decide I needed to change my lifestyle, but at least at the ripe old age of 62 things are much better than they were when I turned 50.  

I watch what I eat, have worked to lower my weight, and strive to exercise regularly.  Weight training and the treadmill have helped immensely. I have learned the symptoms of a heart attack and try to listen to my body.  But, I think I will always be concerned about the heritage handed to me from my parents.   I say all this to explain why I am very interested in sampling the new supplement, MIRONOVA EGT+.

As soon as I received it, I visited their website and researched the super antioxidant, ergothioneine.  MIRONOVA EGT+ is the first and only supplement made with the highest available concentration of ergothioneine in a convenient tablet, which is affordable for daily use.

Most of you know the importance of antioxidants, but if you have difficulty remembering, then an easy one dose supplement is for you. Ergothioneine may help to clean the "rust" out of your heart which develops from oxidative stress in the body turning LDL-cholesterol into damaging oxidized LDL.  Ergothioneine's ability to support healthy cardiovascular functioning in vitro has been well documented in peer-review literature. Furthermore, our bodies have specialized transporters designed to deliver ergothioneine to areas inaccessible by other antioxidants.

As I said in the video, ergothioneine is the reason why we are told to eat mushrooms...this is where it is found most often.  Here is an INFOGRAPHIC with more information about it.

I am going to give it a try in addition to the other good health practices I have started...it is never too late to start, but if you are younger, do not wait to take care of your heart...do it now!  I encourage you to do what I do with everything health related...research it and see what you think.

For more information:



Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!

I am participating in a VIN campaign for Mironova Labs. I am receiving a fee for posting; however, the opinions expressed in this post are my own. I am in no way affiliated with Mironova Labs and do not earn a commission or percent of sales.

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